Happy Birthday Aunty Pauline!
Happy Birthday Dianne(don't get drunk)!
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo
Came across this on Cowboy Caleb's. I love the background soundtrack. The video shows him(Matt) dancing in various places around the world, some with the locals even. Yes, it's not the best of dances, but watching the video made me smile, it kinda brings the different people of the world together. Unity! Go watch it. There has to be at least 50 places in there(Yes, Singapore too). (Faster loading time, turn HD off)
My face produces something which i think can help to solve the global oil crisis. It's 142 a barrel now, thats really sky-high. Maybe i can help to reduce the price (:
Yes, my face is OILY. The JCTs have been the culprit for my pimple outbreaks, and the resulting acne. Even sleeping can be painful(i face the ceiling). It's starting to get better now, and hopefully it disappears in the near future. Hopefully.
Sam, Qinkai ( Ze Ghey ), SPC
One of the longest thursdays ever. GP lesson(above) had us discussing about this pregnant man. Yes, pregnant MAN. He's of transgender, and he has a wife. Best surprise of all? He's DUE TODAY, 3rd July 2008. More about it, here.
The Ghey, consumed by fatigue
An hour of econs revision lecture was scheduled at 4.40pm. LT1 was packed, but by midway, many had fallen to fatigue. What to do? Some were half-dead by that time of day.
I bought my new skates, and at a good bargain too. Overall, satisfied. Shall say more about them in the next post.
For now, it's tutorials galore! Have got to complete some chem and math by tomorrow. After that, piano time!
Okay i'm off, goodbye.
See What Show: Wonderland
4 months ago