Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Frog's Life

(Psst. Thank you peejay for the title!)

" 1. You are hereby required under Section 10 of the Enlistment Act ( Cap 93 ), to report for enlistment on

18 MAR 2009 (WED) AT 8.00 AM

Sigh enlistment's finally here. After A's, after the first 3 months of 2009, it . is . here. I will miss civilian life dearly, and the food and the freedom that i've had and so wonderfully enjoyed over the past few months.

Okay i guess i won't have the time to update this blog very often now, and there's the 2 week confinement period before i have my first book-out.

So it's goodbye from me here to anybody who sees this. Take care everyone!

Check this space on 3rd April! See you soon!

grabbed from militaryphotos