I've got only 5 mins to churn something out before i go out to get my hair cut.
I'm running a fever, damn it, and this has to happen right before the CTs. Downed some Paracetamol tablets so hopefully it subsides for the time being.
Mr Brown plays Team Fortress 2! I can't believe it. More about it tonight.
Oh, sky's turning dark, i better rush. See you.
Firefox 3 is slated for release today!
New interface, and some fresh features too. It's been my favourite browser since don't know when.
Check out its features here.
As i was saying, Mr Brown plays TF2! I watched the personalized trailers of the game characters on his blog. The ones of the Engineer and Sniper were the best. Here they are, below. To load them quick, view the Standard Definition versions ( SD ).
Meet the Sniper
Meet the Engineer
There are other characters too. If you have time, check them out here.
Aunties Galore
After the hair cut, there were Puma sales at TM so we went to have a look. Aunties were everywhere. Scary stuff. Puma had their bags with up to 80 percent discount, and they're nice-looking too.
Baby vs. The Fist
There was this particular baby who gave Valerian a tap on his shoulder. Not once, but twice. Maybe he likes Val (hehe). The child looked kinda cute, and he kept his eyes fixed on us the entire time. That's Val's fist by the way(glad his mum didn't notice).
I wasn't feeling too well today. The fever has gone down(and hopefully, stays down), but i've a bloated stomach. It sort of killed my appetite at dinner. Please, bloated stomach, go away. Reached home at around 615pm and had a long rest on the couch.
Shall go dive into those notes lying on my desk. Then, more TANKMEN!
See What Show: Wonderland
3 months ago
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