A week isn't much time, considering the speed at which the last three went by. If only i could warp space-time. Ah, that would bring many, many possibilities to mind (: But, if.
Tay Yek Keak gives the best movie reviews. Scanned through Life! this morning and came across another of his humorous, yet apt descriptions of films. I like the guy. This time it's The Incredible Hulk and The Happening. Turns out the Hulk proved better than a supposedly lacklustre production by M. Night Shyamalan. The Happening was said to be, well, un-Happening. Go read it, he's fun.
Hulk Smash! ( Or gets smashed )
Struck by another bout of flu, or runny nose. It always happens when i hit the books. Especially today, when i sat down to study through the whole afternoon. Thats as exciting as it gets, drowning in notes the entire day.
Some kid got stuck between the metal bars of the pool playground. I noticed the commotion when i went over for dinner. Poor child, hope he or she's alright. The manager and guards were trying their best to help, along with the child's parents.
Pretty much mundane stuff at night. Managed to survive through Quantum Physics :)
Family's asleep. Sigh, air of silence. I want to sleep early but i can't. Insomnia's a real killer. I'll have to adjust my body clock in time for the CTs, otherwise i'll be half-dead when i take the papers.
But, there's still time :) Now, hopefully something's good on HBO and off i go to make my cheese sandwich.
Until next time, goodbye!
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